
(jair2018) #1


where K = R/2 denotes the Gauss curvature of g.
We now derive the form of (5.17) that we used in proving Proposition

    1. The real vector space of conformal Killing vector fields of ( S^2 , g) is
      6-dimensional. Three of the dimensions arise from vector fields of the form
      V cp, where cp is a spherical harmonic. The other three dimensions come from
      the Killing vector fields for g. We claim that if Y is a Killing vector field for
      g, then

f Y(K) e^2 udA=0.
By the dimension count 6 = 3 + 3, the claim implies that for any conformal
vector field X, one has

(5.18) r (X, VK) dA = r x (K) dA = 0,
Js2 Js2
since dA = e^2 u dA. Note that conformality is well defined, because X is
conformal with respect to g if and only if X is conformal with respect to g.
The claim is derived from an integration by parts. Since R = 1, Lemma
5.3 implies that
K = e -^2 u ( 1 - 3. u).

Recalling that div Y = 0 whenever Y is a Killing vector field for g, we

compute that

f Y(K) e^2 udA= f (Y,VK 9 )_ e^2 udA
Js2 Js2 g


= - 2 K \ / -Y, \l u ) _ e 2u dA. -
52 g

f K (Y, Vu)_ e^2 u dA = f (1 - 3.u) (Y, Vu)_ dA
Js2 g Js2 g

= - f (3.u) (Y, Vu)_ dA,
Js2 g
f (Y, Vu)_ dA = - f u. divY dA = o.
Js2 g Js2
Integrating by parts again and using the fact that VY is antisymmetric, we

f (3.u) (Y, Vu)_ dA = - f ViuViVjuYj dA - f ViuVjuviyj dA
~2 g ~2 ~2

= -~ 2 }f (Y, V \vu\:)_ dA
52 g^9

= ~ 2 }f \Vu\: (divY) dA = o.
52 g
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