Reasoning as in the derivation of (6.51) with the tensor Re replaced by \7 Re,
we observe that
loi\7Rcl s I:cj lrjl 1vH^1 -jRcl + I:cj 1ajrl 1ai-jRcl,
j=O j=l
where the constants Cj, cj depend only on p and n. Applying this estimate
to (6.52) then shows that
where all of the terms on the right-hand side have already been bounded.
Thus we have I gtam-^1 r1 '.SC and hence 1am-^1 r1 '.S C+CT. This completes
the proof. D
An examination of the proof makes it evident that we have also estab-
lished the following result.
COROLLARY 6.51. Let (Mn,g(t)) be a solution of the Ricci flow on a
compact manifold with a fixed background metric g and connection 'V'. If
there exists K > 0 such that
[Rm (x, t)[ 9 '.SK for all x E Mn and t E [O, T),
then there exists for every m EN a constant c:.n_ depending on m, n, K, T ,
go, and the pair (g, '\7) such that
IVmRc (x, t)l 9 '.S c:n for all x E Mn and t E [O, T).
REMARK 6.52. As an alternative to the argument used to prove Propo-
sition 6.48, one may begin by writing the identity
in the form
a e e
oxigjk = rijgek + rikgje·
Then using the uniform bounds on g (t) given by Corollary 6.50, one gets
the estimate
and proceeds as before.