
(jair2018) #1

LEMMA 5.8 (Modified contracted second Bianchi identity).


1.4. The functional ;::m and its gradient flow. Unlike F (g, J) , we
can obtain a functional of just the metric g by fixing a measure dm on a

closed manifold Mn; by a measure we mean a positive n-form on M.^6

Define ;::m : 9.net -+ JR by



(5.23) f-:-. log (dμ) dm.

REMARK 5.9. The expression (5.23) makes sense because, given a fixed
measure dm on Mn, we can define the bijection

C^00 (A nr* M) -+ C^00 (M) ,

w f-+ <p,

where <p is defined so that w = <pdm (here we have used the fact that

Anr;M ~JR). Thanks to this, it is possible to define the quotient of two

n-forms; e.g., if w1 = <p1dm and w2 = <p2dm, where 0, then we set

W1 _,__ <p1
W2 <p2
Without using the notation f, we can write the energy of the metric g

Using the modified Ricci and scalar curvatures, we can rewrite

?(g) = JMijRfjdm= JM Rmdm.

REMARK 5.10. Let <p : M -+ M be a diffeomorphism. Note that in
r (<p*g) -=1= r (g).
That is, by fixing the measure dm, WE? get P (g) , which breaks the diffeo-

morphism invariance of F (g, f). In subsection 3.1 of this chapter we shall

solve this problem by considering a functional A (g) which is diffeomorphism-

(^6) For a calculational motivation for fixing the measure, see the notes and commentary
at the end of this chapter.

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