
(jair2018) #1


The next exercise shows that on small enough scales 9 is K-noncollapsed
for some K.

EXERCISE 6.52. Show that for any Riemannian manifold (J\/tn,9), x E

M, and K < Wn, there exists p (x) > 0 such that for every r E (0, p (x)], we



IRml ~ r-^2 in B (x, r)

VolB(x, r)
---->K. rn -

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 6.52. This follows from the facts that
lim r^2 sup I Rm I = 0
r-+O B(x,r)

lim VolB(x, r) = Wn.
r-+O rn
REMARK 6.53. In some sense Exercise 6.52 is a local version of Remark

5.1.2. K,-noncollapsing and injectivity radius lower bound. We now show
that K-noncollapsing and a lower bound of the injectivity radius are equiv-

LEMMA 6.54. Let ( J\/tn, 9) be a complete Riemannian manifold and fix

p E (0, oo].
(i) If the metric 9 is not K-collapsed below the scale p for some K > 0,

then there exists a constant IS = IS ( n, K) which is independent of

p and 9 such that for any x E M and r < p, if IRml ~ r-^2 in

B (x,r), then inj (x) 2: !Sr.

(ii) Suppose that for any x EM and r < p with IRml ~ r-^2 in B (x, r)

we have inj (x) 2: !Sr for some IS> 0. Then there exists a constant
K = K (n, IS), independent of p and 9, such that 9 is not K-collapsed
below the scale p.

PROOF. (i) Let B (x, r) be a ball satisfying IRml ~ r-^2 in B (x, r) for
some r ~ p. Consider the metric r-^29 on B (x, r) = Br-2§ (x, 1). Since 9 is

not K-collapsed on B (x,r), we have IRmr-2fJI ~ 1 in Br-2§ (x, 1) and

Vol9 B (x, r)

Volr-2§ Br-2§ (x, 1) = n 2: K.

By a result of Cheeger, Gromov, and Taylor (see Theorem A.7), there exists
IS= IS (n, K) such that injr-2§ (x) 2: IS. Hence inj (x) 2: !Sr.

(ii) Again let B (x, r) be a ball satisfying IRml ~ r-^2 in B (x, r) for

some r ~ p, and consider the metric r-^29 on B (x, r) = Br-2§ (x, 1). We

have IRmr-291 ~ 1 and injr-2§ (x) 2: IS. By the Bishop-Gromov volume (or

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