(3) The Ricci tensor Re of g evolves by
(Vl-6.7) :t Rjk = b..LRjk = b..Rjk + 2gPqgrs RpjkrRqs - 2gpq RjpRqk·
In dimension 3, this equation becomes
(Vl-6.10) :tRjk = b..Rjk + 3RRjk - 6gPqRjpRqk + (2 JRcJ^2 - R^2 ) 9jk.
(4) The scalar curvature R of g evolves by
(5) The volume form dμ evolves by
(Vl-6.5) at dμ =-Rdμ.
(6) If /t is a smooth 1-parameter family of geodesic loops, then
dt d Lt ( ) "Yt I t=T = -^1 'Yr Re ( a"'(T as ' a1T) as ds,
where s is the arc length parameter.
Part (6) is similar to Lemma 5.71 on p. 152 of Volume One.
EXERCISE A.14. Derive the corresponding formulas for the normalized
Ricci flow. For example, under (A.19) we have
aR 2 2
at= b..R + 2 JRcJ - ;,rR.
2.1. Short-and long-time existence. Any smooth metric on a closed
manifold will flow uniquely, at least for a little while (Theorem 3.13 on p. 78
of Volume One).
THEOREM A.15 (Short-time existence for M closed). If (Mn, go) is a
closed Riemannian manifold, then there exists a unique solution g (t) to the
Ricci flow defined on some positive time interval [O, E) such that g (0) =go.
As long as the curvature stays bounded, the solution exists (Corollary
7.2 on p. 224 of Volume One).
THEOREM A.16 (Long-time existence for M closed). If (Mn, g (t)), t E
(0, T), where T < oo, is a solution to the Ricci flow on a closed manifold
with SUPMx(O,T) JRmJ < oo, then the solution g (t) can be uniquely extended
past time T.
In the theorem above the condition supMx(O,T) JRmJ < oo may be re-
placed by SUPMx(O,T) JRcJ < oo; this was proved by Sesum [321].
W.-X. Shi generalized Hamilton's short-time existence theorem to com-
plete solutions with bounded curvature on noncompact manifolds.