PROPOSITION I.16 (Sublevel set of bp is compact and totally convex). Let
(Mn, g) be a complete noncom pact Riemannian manifold with nonnegative
sectional curvature and let p E M. For any s E [O, oo), the set Cs (p) is
compact and totally convex.
We also recall the following (see Proposition 8.5 of [30] and compare
with Lemma I.8).
PROPOSITION I.17 (Sublevel sets of bp are parallel). Let (Mn,g) be a
complete noncompact Riemannian manifold with nonnegative sectional cur-
vature and let p EM. For any s < t,
(I.4) Cs (p) = { x E Ct : d ( x, 8Ct (p)) 2: t - s}.
In particular, p E 8Co (p) and
8Cs (p) = {x E Ct: d(x,8Ct(P)) = t-s}.
1.3. Splitting and retraction theorems.
There are a number of beautiful theorems concerning the geometry and
topology of complete noncompact manifolds with nonnegative sectional cur-
vature; we now summarize a few of them. We have already stated the
Toponogov comparison theorem in §2 of Appendix G (see Theorem G.33).
In addition, we have the following.
1.3.1. Cheeger-Gromoll splitting theorem.
We have the following fundamental splitting theorem of Cheeger and
Gromoll (see also Theorem 1.162 of [45]), which employs the fact that, when
Re 2: 0, Busemann functions are subharmonic in the sense of distributions
(see Proposition I.12(ii)).
THEOREM I.18 (Cheeger-Gromoll splitting). Suppose (Mn, g) is a com-
plete Riemannian manifold with Re 2: 0 and suppose there is a geodesic line
in Mn. Then (Mn, g) is isometric to ffi.x (Nn-i, h) with the product metric,
where (Nn-i, h) is a Riemannian manifold with Re 2: 0.
REMARK I.19. For the case of Aleksandrov spaces, see Theorem G.45,
which assumes the analogue of nonnegative sectional curvature.
1.3.2. Soul theorem and conjecture.
We recall some basic definitions.
DEFINITION I.20. Let (Nk, h) be a Riemannian manifold and let :E c N
be a submanifold.
(i) We say that :Eis totally geodesic if its second fundamental form
is zero.
(ii) The normal bundle of :Eis
v (:E) ~ {V E TpN : p E :E and (V, W) = 0 for all W E Tp:E}.
For example, a slice Mi x {q} c Mix M2 in a Riemannian product is
totally geodesic.