is a smooth invertible map. By originally choosing U sufficiently small (in-
dependent of YI), we may assume that
(I.43) d (<I?2 (y), <I?2 (YI)) ~ 2d (y, YI)
for y E 1io. Moreover
f (y) = f (YI)+ Ji (<I?2 (y)).
On the other hand, it follows from (I.42) and (I.43) that
I Ji ( <I?2 (y)) - Ji ( <I?2 (YI)) I ~ -. -d ( <I?2 (y) ' <J?2 (Y1))
~ -. -d (y, YI)
for y E 1io. Hence
If (y) - f (YI)I ~ -. -d (y, YI)
and therefore f is Lipschitz continuous on 1i n V.
(i) By Lemma I.37, there exists so (p) < oo such that x is a i-regular
point of r for all x E M - B (p, so (p)). Hence S (p, s) is a Lipschitz hyper-
surface for all s > so (p).
(ii) By Lemma I.40, the Lipschitz hypersurface S (p, s) is complete as a
length space.
(iii) The last part of the proposition follows from the definition of topo-
logical end and the assumption that so (p) is large. D
5. Approximate Busemann-Feller theorem
In this section we prove an almost distance-decreasing property of the
nearest point projection map in a small tubular neighborhood of a hyper-
surface in a Riemannian manifold.
Let (Mn, g) be a complete orientable Riemannian manifold with sec-
tional curvature bounded above by a constant K,^2 > 0. Let Jin-ICM be a
complete smooth orientable hypersurface and let v be a choice of a smooth
unit normal vector field to Ji. Then 1i is two-sided in M, i.e., there exists
a smooth embedding
<I?: 1-i x [-1, 1] --t M
such that <J? (x, 0) = x for x E 1-l. Let
O+ ~ <J? (1i x [O, 1)),
O_ ~ <J? (Ji x (-1, OJ),
so that <I? (1i x (-1, 1)) = O+ Un and O+ n n = Ji. Without loss of
generality, we may assume that the sets O+ and n_ are on the sides of v
and -v, respectively.
Let M+ be the set of x EM such that either:
(1) x E 1i or