(see Theorem A.57 in Part I for the corresponding linear trace Harnack
estimate). When X = \i' f, we may rewrite this as
(17.92) L (v, \i'f) = (div-l\7/) o (div-lV'f) v + (Rc+\i'\i' f, v)
(17.93) = ef (divodiv+Rc+\i'\i'f) (e-fv).
Observe also that
L (2Rc,X) = 8t - 2 (\i'R, X) + 2Rc (X, X)
is Hamilton's trace Harnack quadratic (see (15.17) in Part II).
Let V = gijVij·Two of the above quantities are related by the following
(see also Lemma 6.82 in Part I)
LEMMA 17.29 (Variation of Perelman's modified scalar curvature). If
g 8 g = v and g 8 f = V (so that gs (e-f dμ) = 0), then
(17.94) :s ( R + 2~f - l'\7 fl^2 ) = L (v, \i' f) - 2 (v, Re +\i'\i' !).
Integrating the above formula by parts, we obtain (see §1.1 of [152];
compare with Exercise 6.16 in Part I)
LEMMA 17.30 (Perelman's first variation formula for F). If gsg = v and
g 8 f = V, then
! Fi (g, f) = -JM (v, Re +\i'\i' !) e-f dμ
=- ( L(v,\i'f)e-fdμ.
4.2. Some 2-loop formulas.
(~Lh)ij ~ ~hij + 2Rkij£.hkc - Rikhkj - Rjkhki
be the Lichnerowicz Laplacian, which acts on symmetric 2-tensors. Given
a function f on M, define the symmetric 2-tensor H\i'f, which is a form of
Hamilton's matrix Harnack quadratic, by (compare with the expres-
sion in (15.11) of Part II)
H'Vf (X, Y) ~ ( ~LRc-t\i'\i'R + Rc^2 ) (X, Y)
+ P (X, \i' f, Y) + P (Y, \i' f, X) +Rm (\i' f, X, Y, \i' J),
P (X, Y, Z) ~ (\i' x Re) (Y, Z) - (\i'y Re) (X, Z)
for tangent vectors X, Y, Z (see Chapter 15 in Part II for the proof of Hamil-
ton's matrix Harnack estimate). This may be rewritten as