M x ( -oo, 0) -+ JR satisfies 6.f = R. Then, for any smooth bounded domain
n c M and any time t < 0, we have
where v is the unit outward normal to 80; all norms, covariant derivatives, and
Laplacians are with respect to g( t).
PROOF. Fix t < 0. Recall the everywhere present Bochner formula
(28.44) 6. IV' fl^2 = 2 (V'(6.f), V' f) + 2 R e (V' f , V' f) + 2 IV'^2 fl
= 2 (V'R, V'f) + R IY'fl^2 +2IV'^211
From this we obtain
6.(R + IV' fl2) = 6.R + R2 - (6.!)2 - IV' Rl2
- JV' :1
+ 2 (V' R , V' f) +RIV' !1
+2IV'^2 f1
= IY'R+RV'fl2 +21V'2f-~6.fgl2 +6.R+R2_ IY'Rl2.
R 2 R
Hamilton's trace Harnack estimate (see Proposition 15.7 in Part II) says
(28.46) 8R at = 6.R+R2 > - IY'Rl2 R > - o.
Thus, by applying the divergence theorem to the integral of (28.45) over n, we
obtain (28.43). 0
Modulo some estimates to be subsequently proved, we can now give the
PROOF OF THEOREM 28.41. Fix any time t < 0. Choose fl = Oi in (28.43),
where Di is as in Lemma 28.45. By taking i-+ oo we obtain
Now, (28.51) and (28.70) below imply that the RHS of this tends to zero. We
conclude that V'^2 f = ~Rg =Re on M x (-oo, O); i.e., g (t) is a steady GRS flowing
along -V'f. By Proposition 1.25 in Part I , (M,g(t)) must be a constant multiple
of the cigar soliton. 0
We shall call Ian; v(R)dO" and Ian; v(IV' fl
)dO" on the RHS of (28.47) to be the
first and second boundary terms, respectively. In the following subsections, we
prove that both of these boundary terms tend to zero.