
(jair2018) #1


is independent of the choice of this a.

The existence of a is obvious from Step 1. Moreover, if the points Zai, Zaj, Zak, Zae

are all distinct, then a is unique. If not then w(zai, Zaj, Zak, Zae) E {O, 1, oo} and a

simple combinatorial argument shows that this number is independent of a.

Step 3: Two stable Riemann surfaces z and z of genus zero with n marked points

are equivalent if and only if w1(z) = w1(z) for all I= (i, j, k, f) E In.

This is proved by induction over the number of vertices. The induction step is to

remove an endpoint from the tree. A set of indices I C { 1, ... , n}, corresponding

to the marked points on a given endpoint of the tree, can be characterized by the



i,i' EI, j,j' ~I

i,i^1 ,i^11 EI, j ~I

Wii'jj' = 00,

Wii'i"j =/=-00.

Given any such set one can reduce the number of vertices by replacing { 1, ... , n}

with { 1, ... , n} - I and reordering.

Step 4: Let w = { Wij kd E ( S^2 )1n be given. Then there exists a stable Riemann

surface z of genus zero with n marked points such that Wijke = Wijke(z) for all

i, j, k, e if and only if w satisfies (42) and (43).

This is again proved by induction over the number of vertices. The key point in the
induction is to prove that, for every tuple w = { Wijke} which satisfies ( 42) and ( 43),
there exists a nontrivial subset I C {1, ... , n} which satisfies ( 45) and ( 46). Here

nontrivial means that I=/=- 0 and I=/=-{1,... , n}. For more details see [20]. D

Proof of Proposition 4.19: For any sequence z,, of stable Riemann surfaces

of genus zero with n marked points and any z one proves that the following are

(a) z,, DM-co nverges to z.
(b) For 11 sufficiently large there exists a surjective tree homomorphisms f" :

T---+ T v and Mobius transformations <p~ E G such that f"(ai) = ai and

Zai = 1/-->00 lim (<p~)-^1 (zjv(a)i)

for a E T and i E { 1, ... , n}.

(c) For any four distinct integers i,j,k,f E {l, ... ,n}, Wijke(z)

lim,,__,oo Wijke(z,,).

The proof of (a) {===} (b) ===} (c) is fairly straight forward. The hard part is to
show that ( c) implies (b). The key point here is the observation that, for any two
stable Riemann surfaces z and z' of genus zero with n marked points, there exists

a surjective tree homomorphism f : T---+ T ' with f(ai) =a~ for all i if and only if

Wijke(z') = oo ===} Wijke(z) = oo

for all i,j,k,f E {1,... , n}. For more details see [20]. D

Proof of Proposition 4.20: The proof is based on an explicit construction of

coordinate charts. Given a point [z] E Mo,n we must pick out n - 3 of the cross
ratios from which all the others can be reconstructed (in a neighbourhood of the

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