
(jair2018) #1

Exercise 2.5.1. Show that the multiplicity m~Z is equal to x(f'), where f' is the

function equal to f on N n B E n g-^1 ] - oo, 6[ and to zero elsewhere (N, BE, g, and

b are as in Section 2 .4).

Exercise 2.5.2. Show that Ch(!) is , indeed, a cycle, i.e., that it has no boundary
of dimension d - 1.

Exercise 2.5.3. Show that Ch(!) only depends on the function f, and not on the

stratification S.

Exercise 2.5.4. Show that f r--+ Ch(!) gives a bijection (in fact, a group homo-

morphism) between the set of all S-constructible functions f : X ---> Z, and the set

of all d-cycles in T * X supported on As.

Exercise 2.5.5. Show that f r--+ Ch(!) gives a bijection between :F x and the set

of all d-cycles Z in T X , such that supp(Z) C T X is a Lagrangian subvariety,
invariant under the scalar action of JR+. (By a Lagrangian subvariety we mean the
closure of a semi-algebraic Lagrangian submanifold.)

2.6. Signs

The statement of Theorem 1.1 is now a lmost complete. It remains to make two
comments about signs. First, in computing the intersection number, we orient T * X
by the orientation of the base, followed by the orientation of the fiber. (This may
differ from the symplectic orientation.)

Second, the antipodal map -1 : T X ---> T X induces a map on d-cycles in the

obvious way. E.g., it takes the zero section into itself, and each cotangent fiber into

( -1 )d times itself.

With this, the statement of Theorem 1.1 is complete. We'll take up the proof
in the next le cture.

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