
(jair2018) #1


  1. Leonard, N.E. [1995b] P eriodic forcing, dynamics and control of underactu-
    ated spacecraft and underwater vehicles, Proc. 34th IEEE Conj. Decision
    Ctrl., 3980-3985.

  2. Leonard, N.E. [1996] Sta bilization of underwater vehicle dynamics with sym-
    metry breaking potentials, in preparation. (See also Leonard, N.E., Stabiliza-
    tion of steady motions of an underwater vehicle, Proc. 35th IEEE Conference
    on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, 1996 .)

  3. Leonard, N.E. [1997] Stability of a bottom-heavy underwater vehicle, Auto-
    matica 33 , 331-346.

  4. Leonard, N .E. and P.S. Krishnaprasad [1995] Motion control of drift-free, left-
    invariant systems on Lie groups, IEEE Trans. Automat. Control 40 , 1539 -

  5. Leonard, N.E. and J.E. Marsden [1997] Stability and Drift of Underwater Ve-
    hicle Dynamics: Mechanical Systems with Rigid Motion Symmetry, Physica
    D 105 , 130- 162.

  6. Lewis, A. [1996] Affine connections and distributions, preprint.
    1 55. Lewis, A. [1 996 ] The geometry of the Gibbs-Appell equations and Gauss'
    principle of least constraint, R eports on Math. Phys. 38 , 11-28.
    Lewis, A. & R.M. Murray [1995] Variational principles in constrained
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  7. Lewis, A., J.P. Ostrowski, R.M. Murray & J. Burdick [1994] Nonholonomic
    mechanics and lo comotion: the snakeboard example. IEEE Intern. Conj. on
    Robotics and Automation.
    1 57. Lewis, D. [1989] Nonlinear stability of a rotating planar liquid drop, Arch.
    Rat. Mech. Anal. 106 , 287 - 333.

  8. Lewis, D. [1992a] Bifurcation of liquid drops. Nonlinearity 6 , 491 - 522.

  9. Lewis, D. [1992b] Lagrangian block diagonalization. Dyn. Diff. Eqn's. 4 1-42.
    1 60. Lewis, D., J .E. Marsden, R. Montgomery, and T .S. Ratiu [1986] The Hamil-
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  10. Lewis, D., J .E. Marsden and T.S. Ratiu [1987] Stability and bifurcation of a
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  11. Lewis, D. and T.S. Ratiu [1996] Rotating n-gon/kn-gon vortex configurations,
    Journ. Nonlinear S cience 6 , 385- 414.

  12. Lewis, D. and J .C. Simo [1990] Nonlinear stability of rotating pseudo-rigid
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    1 64. Lewis, D., T.S. Ratiu, J.C. Simo, and J.E. Marsden [1992] The heavy top: a
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  13. Lie, S. [1890] Theorie der Transformationsgruppen, Zweiter Abschnitt. Teub-
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166. Littlejohn, R. and M. Reinch [1997] Gauge fields in the separation of rotations

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