134 Basic Concepts of the Theory of Difference Schemes
To make sure of it, we take the inner product of (37) and y = A-^1 <p:
or II y II~ = II <p II~_,.
3) If A > 0, then
( 41) A 0 = ~ ( A + A* ).
Furthermore, taking the inner product of (37) and y we obtain
( 42) (Ay,y)=(<p,y),
where A 0 = ~ (A+ A*) is the syrnmetric part and A 0 = ~ (A-A*) is
the skew-symmetric part of the operator A. This provides the sufficient
background for the relation ( A y, y) = ( A 0 y, y) due to the fact that
( A 1 y, y) = 0. As far as A 0 > 0, the inverse operator A;;-^1 exists, be-
cause the space H is finite-dirnensional *) and, therefore, by the generalized
Cauchy-Bunyakovskil inequality one can write down
Substitution of this inequality into ( 42) leads to the relations
from which the desired estimate ( 41) immediately follows.
4) If A > b E with b > 0, then
( 43)
To prove this fact, we make use of estimate (41) and the inequality
which is a consequence of
A 0 > b E and
*)If H is an infinite-dimensional space, one should require instead of A > 0 that
A ?: 5 E with 5 > 0.