176 Homogeneous Difference Schemes
and having k 1 = 2 and k 2 = 4 to the difference problem with steps h 1 = h
and h 2 =! h we calculate the solutions Yh and Yh/ 2 and the coefficients
c 1 = -!- and c 2 = ~, leading to the function in question:
Y -( x ) =^4 3 Yh/2 - 3 1 Yh ,
which is defined on the grid wh and approximates the exact solution u(x)
with accuracy O(h^4 ):
One way of proceeding is to take for granted the expansion
where the functions cv 1 ( x) and cv 2 ( x) are independent of h. Because of
this, we must solve the difference problem concerned three times with steps
h 1 , h 2 and h 3 , respectively, in an attempt to obtain a solution with the
prescribed accuracy O(hl.:^3 ). In what follows Y1i, (x), yh 2 (x) and yh 3 (x) will
stand for the appropriate solutions. Also, it will be sensible to introduce
their linear cornbination
As before, the grid wh is the intersection of the three grids wh,, wh 2 and
wh 3 • In particular, wh = wh under the agreements h 1 = h, h 2 = !h and
h 3 = ih. When the approximation Yh =uh+ O(hk^3 ) is accepted for later
use, the following equations
constitute the system for finding the coefficients c 1 , c 2 , c 3. Evidently, the
determinant of this system is nonzero.
In the general case the expansion of the error yh - uh in powers of h
is of the form
(18) Yh = 1lh + L CV 8 (x) h^8 + cvn(x, h) hn,
where CV 8 ( x ), s = 1, 2, ... , n-l, are independent of h and the absolute value
of cvn(x, h) is bounded by a constant M = const > 0, which is independent
of h. Our next step is to establish an a priori expansion of the form (18).