182 Homogeneous Difference Schemes
which are continuous at the point x = 0 (x = 1), so that k(l - 0) =
k(O + 0) = k(O), etc. Let
(14) k(x) 2: c 1 > 0, q(x) > c 1 > 0.
Assuming this to be the case, it is required to find a solution to equation
(12) subject to the periodicity condition u(x+l) = u(x), which is equivalent
to the requirements
(15) u(O + 0) = u(l - 0), k ·u'lx=O+O = k u'l.r=l-ll ·
The maximum principle implies that problem (12)-(15) is uniquely solvable.
With this in mind, we start from the scheme for 0 < x = ih < 1:
(ayrJ x - dy = -<p(x), x -- ih ' i=l,2, ... ,N-l,
keeping y 0 = YN. The coefficients a, d, <p can be recovered from the condi-
tions of second-order approximation in Section 2.4.
With the aid of the equalities
the condition ku'lx=O+o = ku'lx=l-O is approximated to second order by
the difference relation
a 1 Yx,o -1 h(q(O) Yo - f(O + 0)) = aN Yx,N + 1 h(q(l - 0) YN - f(l - 0)).
Under the agreements YN+l = y 1 and aN+i = a 1 the preceding reduces to
(ayx)x - dy = -<p(x), x=xN=l,
d = dN ::: 1(q(O+0) + q(l - 0)), <p = <f'N =! (f(O + 0) + f(l - 0)),
leaving us with the periodic difference scheme
x = i h, i=l,2,. .. ,N,