
(jair2018) #1


Conte1nporary methods for solving problems of n1athen1atical physics are
gaining increasing popularity. They are being used more and 1nore in solv-
ing applied problems not only by professional 1nathematicians, but also by
investigators and users working in other branches of science, engineering
and technology. In order to n1ake this book accessible not only to special-
ists, but also to graduate and post-graduate students, we give a complete
account of notions and definitions which will be used in the sequel. The
concepts and theorems presented below are of an auxiliary nature and are
included for references rather than for primary study. For this reason the
majority of statements are quoted without proofs. vVe will also cite biblio-
graphical sources for further, more detailed, information.


  1. Preliminary comments. By applying approxi1nate methods the problem
    of solving differential equations leads to the systems of linear algebraic

where A= (a 1.J. ) is a square (JV x JV)-matrix, u is the vector of unknowns
and f is the right-hand side vector.

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