Heat conduction equation with constant coefficients 307
To decide for yourself whether scheme (16) is stable with respect to the
initial data, a first step is to evaluate the solution of problem (16a). This can
be done using the method of separation of variables and deriving estimate
(18) in the grid L 2 (wh)-norm:
II Yll(l) =II Yll, where II Yll = ~, (y, v) = L Y; v; h.
To develop those ideas, we seek the solution to equation (16a) as a product
of two functions, one of which T = T(tj) depends only on t = tj and
the other X = X(xi) only on x = X; under the approved decomposition
y(x, t) = X(x) T(t). Substituting this expression into (16a) and taking
into account that
Ay=TAX, Yt = X Tt,
we arrive at the relations
A)( - ->-
x - '
T ( () T + (1 - o-) T)
where A is a separation constant. As a final result we get
T= qT,
q - l-(l-o-)r>-
- l+o-r>-.
The difference eigenvalue problem for X can be viewed as the Stunn-
Liouville difference problem:
AX(x)+>-X(x)=O, O<x=ih<l, X(O)=X(l)=O, X(x)"!-0,
which has been under consideration in Chapter 2, Section 3.2. As stated
therein, the problem in view has nontrivial solutions identical with the
k = 1, 2, ... , N - 1,
wich correspond to the eigenvalues
4. 2 Irkh
-sm h2 --2 '
4. 2 7rh
A 1 = - sm
h^2 2 '
k = 1, 2, ... , N - 1, 0 < Ai < ... < AN-1 '