322 Difference Schernes with Constant Coefficients
It is straightforward to verify that at the point x = 1 the boundary condi-
8u(1, t)
- ax = f32 u(l, t) - μ2(t), (3 2 = const >^0 ,
is approxi1nated to the same order by the difference condition
- h2 -
zp = f + 12 !"
and replacing !hYt,o and ~hYt,N in (51) and (55) by !hPiYt,o and
~ h p 2 Yt, N, respectively, with Pk = 1 + i h f3k, k = 1, 2, we establish the
difference boundary conditions providing an approximation of O(h^4 + r^2 )
for (} -- (} * -- l - 2 i_ 12 h^2 T-l.
To avoid cumbersome calculations, it will be sensible to introduce
more compact notations
A-y = Yx - f31 Y
and rewrite the difference boundary conditions (51) and (55) in the same
forn1s as approved ·before for scheme (II):
Yt = A - ( (} y + ( 1 - (}) y) + zp-,
Yt = A+ ( (} y + ( 1 - (}) y) + zp +,
x = 0,
x = 1,
with zp 2μ 1 /h and zp+ = 2P, 2 /h, showing the new notations to be
sensible ones. For (3 1 = {3 2 = 0 these can be viewed as the difference
approxin1ations of the second kind boundary conditions. Also, the order of