Classes of stable two-layer sche1nes 399
err A. Since A< 11A11 E and E >A/II A 11, we have B > (1/11 A ll+err)A > 0
under the restriction er > -1/(rll A II). The operator A = A* > 0 is
independent oft, so that conditions (1)-(3) are satisfied and the scheme
concerned belongs to the pri1nary family for er > -h^2 / ( 4c 2 T), where c 2 =
max a(x).
- The energy identity. We study the problem of stability of scheme ( 1) by
the method of the energy inequalities involving as the necessary manipula-
tions the inner product of both sides of equation (1) with 2ryt = 2('[; - y):
Using the formula
( 10)
we rewrite (9) in the form
(11) 2r((B - 0.5rA)yt, Yt) + (A(y + y), f;-y) = 2r(ip, Yt).
Lemma 1 Let A be a. self-a.djoint opera.tor, then
(12) (A(y + y), y - y) = (Ay, y) - (Ay, y).
Indeed, the chain of the relations
(Ay, y) = (y, Ay) = (Ay, y)
occurs due to the fact that A is self-adjoint operator and, therefore,
(A(y + y), y - y) = (Ay, f;) + (Ay, y) - (Ay, y) - (Ay, y)
= (Ay, y) - (Ay, y).
Substituting (12) into (11) we obtain the energy identity for scheme (1):
(13) 2r((B - 0.5r A)yt, Yt) + (Ay, y) = (Ay, y) + 2r(ip, Yt).
- Stability with respect to the initial data in HA. Stability of sche1ne ( 1)
with respect to the initial data is investigated with further estimation of a
solution of problem (la).