468 Homogeneous Difference Schemes for Time-Dependent Equations
Taking into account the relations Lu + f - it = 0 and
(19) Au=Lu+O(h^2 ), <p=f+O(r^2 +h^2 ),
we arrive at
(20) 'ljJ = (o- - 0.5) TL :U + O(r^2 + h^2 ).
This supports the view that the order of approximation for a given value of
o- coincides with the order of approximation established before for the unit
constant coefficient k( x) 1:
'l/;=0(r^2 +h^2 ) for o-=0.5,
·if;=O(r+h^2 ) for o--j.0.5.
Along these lines, the error of approximation zj = yJ - uj, where yj is
the solution of problem (7) and u = u(x, t) is the solution of the governing
problem ( 1 )-(3), can be most readily eval uatecl with the aid of the equation
Zt = A ( (} z + ( l - (}) z) + 'ljJ ) x E w h , t = j T > 0 )
z(x, 0) = 0, z(O, t) = z(l, t) = 0.
Some progress can be achieved by having recourse to relation ( 11), leaving
us with the estin1ate
(21) llzj+l11A < l (t T 11'1/Jj'11^2 ) l/
J"2E j'=O
Using the results obtained in Chapter 2, Section 3, namely the relations
llzll c -<^2 l (1 ) ( ,. ~:r )2] 1/2 -- 1.^2 V(Ao ~)^7 "-")
and the esti1nate c 1 llzll~ < 11.::11~, we derive the inequality
( 22) (
j ) l /2
llc < 2 J~sc 1 j~ rll i/Jj' 11
thereby justifying by virtue of representation ( 20) that scheme (7) converges
unifonnly with the rate O(h^2 + rrnu), where
·1n = {
(J 1
for o-= 0.5,
for o- -:j:. 0.5,
provided that the conditions hold under which the describing scheme is of
accuracy 0( h^2 + rmu) and o- > 0- 0 for 0 < E < 1. A similar conclusion was
drawn in Chapter 5 for the relevant equation with a constant coefficient
k( x ).