546 Economical Difference Schemes for Multidimensional Problerns
Because of these facts, tlw number of the necessary operations at every
node of the grid is independent of the total nu1nber of the grid nodes. All
the schemes with the indicated property a.re said to be econo1nical.
In what follows one possible example demonstrates for a. system of
ordinary differential equations that there is an implicit scheme which is
rather economical than the explicit ones requiring the additional operations.
Exa1nple vVith this aim, it seems worthwhile giving the following syste1n
of differential equations:
t > 0, u(O) = u 0 ,
where u = (uCll(t), ... , uCml(t)) is a. vector of order m and A= (a;j) is a.
syn1metric positive definite matrix. In passing from one layer to another the
explicit sche111e Yn+l = Yn -TAYn requires 2m^2 + 21n a.ritlunetic operations.
Furthern1ore, let A - = (a:-) IJ and A+ = (a+) IJ be an upper and a. lower
tridiagonal ma.trices with coinciding n1a.in dia.o·ona.ls ~ a:-. zz = a~ iz = 0 .5 a,., · ..
Both ma.trices (opera.tors) a.re positive definite in the sense of the usual
inner product in the space Rm, since A-= (A+)* and
Before going further, we initiate the construction of the sche111e
(5) n = 0, 1, ... ,
in which it is necessary to perform the inversion of both tridiagonal matrices
( E + TA-) and ( E +TA+) in determining y 211 + 1 and y 211 + 2.
It is plain to show that the scheme in view is absolutely stable for any
T > 0, permitting one to eliminate y 211 + 1 from the difference equations (4)
and (5). By subtracting equation (5) from equation (4) we find that
Upon substituting the resulting expression into (5) we obtain through such
an analysis the scheme
(6) B _Y2n+~2 __ Y_2_n + A Y2n = ,^0