
(jair2018) #1
554 Economical Difference Schen1es for Multidimensional Problems

  1. A sche1ne for the governing equation with variable coefficients. The
    intention is to use the alternating direction sche1ne for the heat conduction
    equation with variable coefficients

(32) (x, t) E Qy,

ulr = μ(:i:, t)'

In such setting, for any t, the operator Le, is approximated by the difference

where ao: can be founded either by the formula ao: = k~-^0 ·^50 ) or by the

formula ac, = 0.5 (ko: + k~-^10 >), o: = 1, 2, which guarantee a second-order
approximation provided by the operator Ac,:

Instead of (9)-(10) we are trying to adopt another sche1ne


n+l -
Y - Y A (t-) - A (t ) n+l^71
0 .0 c T = l Y +^2 n+l Y + 'P ,

t = in+l/2' y(x,O) = u 0 (x),

with the boundary conditions

yn+l = 11 n+l for 'l2 -- U, 'l2 -- Ih

y= μ for 'l 1 - -^0 ' 'l (^1) = N1 ,

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