572 Economical Difference Schen1es for Multidhnensional Proble1ns
Example 3 As a matter of experience, the intention is to use a higher-
accuracy scheme similar to ( 12) being used for the heat conduction equa-
tion. As we have stated in Section l, the factorized scheme
x E wh, 0 < t = nr,
Yl,h=p(t), t=nr, y(x,0)=u 0 (x), xEwh,
Acx Y = y.,, ,v 0: x Ct ,
1 h^2
(} = - - _Q'._
°' 2 12 '
generates an approximation of O(r^2 + lhl^4 ).
Also, the scheme so constructed is equivalent to the alternating di-
rection scheme ( 46)-( 4 7) fr01n Section 1. Among other schen1es, the users
prefer two alternating direction schemes, either of which is equivalent to
scheme (27).
The first scheme:
Every equation refers to two-layer schemes with a con1mon canonical fonn
(E - ()2 T A ) 2 y - y = ()2 A 2 Y' -
Xcx =
;, ct= 1,2.