The surnmarized approximation n1ethod^629
- Alternating direction methods as additive sche1nes. The starting point
for special investigations is the alternating direction method developed in
Section l:
As can readily be observed, this system of equations is equivalent to
yi+l/2 - yi+l/4
------= 0.5A 1 yi+^1!^2 ,
( 61)
relating to locally one-dimensional schemes. Both intermediate values
yi+^114 and ~l+^3 /^4 can be eliminated in the usual way without any difficul-
ties. It is straightforward to verify that scheme (61) generates a summarized
approxi1nation such that
The alternating direction sche1ne ascribed to Duglas and Rachford
and associated with the difference operator Aa y = Yxaxa comes second:
Si1nple algebra gives the residuals