670 Methods for Solving Grid Equations
upon substituting
From such reasoning it seems clear that II sk II = Tk/2 - 1 for tk < 0 and
II sk II= 1 - Tk/1 for tk > 0. If tk < 0 and k > ko, where ko is the minimal
number for which tko < 0 and p 0 (1+2lt1.: 0 I) > 1, then
This provides enough reason to conclude that
II II Sj II >II ska 11n-ko > 1
j =ko
and rounding errors in specifying Yko will grow with increasing k from k 0
to n.
Let~=^11 ~1,sothatp 0 =l-2~+0(~^2 )andtk =cos^2 A;i-l7f<0.
~ • n
All this enables us to deduce that
Under the assumptions lt1.:, I> 0.5 and~< 0.01, we might have
11sk,11=3(1-60 + 0(~^2 ) > 3. o.9 = 2.1,
II II sj II> 2.1n-kl.
j =k1
As a n1atter of fact, formulas (30)-(31) express the stability of scheme
(14) with parameters (29) with respect to the initial data. Those ideas
supported by the preceding calculations provide proper guidelines for the
further stability analysis of con1putational procedures with respect to the
right-hand side as well as with respect to the initial data in passing from
y 0 to Yk for any k = 1, 2, ... , n. From the general stability theory outlined
in Chapter 6, Section 1 we recall that stability with respect to the right-
hand side is a corollary to the uniform stability with respect to the initial
data, meaning stability in the process of moving fron1 any Yj to any Yk with
k > j > 0.