Iterative alternating direction rnethods 721
In order to understand the nature of this a little better, we refer to a
model problem posed in Section 2 all over again for which
c5 1 = c5 2 = c5 = 4 sm. 2(7rh)/ T h" ") ,
f::..1 = f::..2 = f::.. = 4 cos 2(7rh)/ 2 h^2 ,
~ Irh
..fij = v tg~ 2 ~ 2 ~ 1. 5 7 h.
The n1ain goal of subsequent considerations is the con1parison between
ADM of the type ( 17) with para1neters ( 25) and the explicit 1nethod with
optimal set of Chebyshev's para1neters
Yk+1 ----+Ayk - Yk =f, k=O,l, ... ,
arising in Section 2 and requiring no less than n l^0 J ( c) iterations:
n(o)(c) = ln(2/c)
2 VE, '
In that case 11 = c5 1 + c5 2 = 2 c5, 12 = f::.. 1 + f::.. 2 = 2 f::.. and~ = c5/ f::.. T).
Thus, we 1night have
n(o)(c) ~ ln(2/c) ,
-r2 ll) (c ) ~ ln(l/c) i
thereby justifying that nl^0 l(c) ~ 2 nl^1 l(c).
vVhen solving the model problem concerned, the transition from the
kth iteration to the ( k + 1 )th iteration is perfonned either in 9 steps or in
26 steps: 5 operations of addition and 4 operations of multiplication during
the course of the explicit Chebyshev 's n1ethod and 12 operations of addition
and 14 operations of multiplication in the case of ADM in connection with
the double elimination (first, along the rows and then along the colmnns).
This provides reason enough to conclude that in the case of noncommutative
operators the first method is rather economical than the second one. Both
1nethods require 0( ! In~) iterations in the process of solving the model
h c
problem under consideration.