Iterative alternating direction methods 723
We learn from Section 4 the values of paran1eters w 1 and w 2 for which
the minimum p of the norm 11 S( w) 11 is attained:
= ( 1 - J77)2
p l+J17
1 + ~'
111in llSll = p,
Wl' W2
where 17, w 1 and w 2 are given by fon11ulas (14), (LS) and (25). Knowing (J,
0 0
w 1 and w 2 , it is sin1ple to compute the constants of equivalence-, 1 and "1 2
for the operators B and A such that
which will be needed in subsequent discussions of the operator B frmn a
viewpoint of the possible general theory.
A necessary and sufficient condition for the p-stabity of schen1e (26)
with assigned values of p and T = w 1 + w 2. The outcome of this is
( 32)
0 1 - p
l1 = ---
wl +w2
0 1 + p
l2 = ---
wl +w2
A keystone in the design of an operator of the type (27) is the possible
structure of an auxiliary operator R = R* > 0 being a sum of two operators
R1 and R2 such that
Ra= R~, o:=l,2,
by means of which the factorized operator in question reveals to be
0 0
This serves to 1notivate instead of (31) the relations/ 1B < R < / 2B with
0 0
constants / 1 and/ 2 arising from (32).