Iterative alternating direction methods 727
In trying to solve the equation Au = f the iterative ADM with itera-
tion parameter w is good enough for our purposes:
By exactly the same reasoning as in Section 4 with regard to the error
zk+l = Yk+l - u we deduce for V1;+ 1 = (E + wA2) zk+l that
We are going to show that under conditions (34) the following estimates
hold true:
( 37) o:=l,2.
Indeed, from the obvious identities
II (E - wAa) x 112 =I/ (E + wAa) X 1/^2 - 4w (Aax, x),
which are put together with inequalities (34)-(35), it follows that
By inserting here x = ( E + w Aa )-^1 we find that