
(jair2018) #1


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  • l+i l+i


  • I - I
    (a} The semicirc ular path. (b) The polygonal path.
    Figure 6.9 The two contours C1 and C2 joining - 1 to l.

Applying Theorem 6.1, we have f (z) = z, so

f(z(t)) = z(t)=(- cost+isint) =- cost-isint and

r zdz = r (- cost- isint)(sin t+icost)dt

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= -i 1" ( cos^2 t + sin^2 t) dt = -7ri.

We parametrize C2 in three parts, one for each line segment:

z1 (t) = - 1 +it, dz1 = i dt, and f (z1 (t)) = - 1 -it;
z2(t) = -1+2t+i, dz2=2dt, and f(z2 (t))=-1+2t- i;
z3(t) = 1 +i(l -t), dz3 = -i dt, and f (z3(t))=1-i(l -t),

where 0 ~ t ~ 1 in each case. We get our answer by adding the three integrals
along the three segments:

r zdz= r' (-1-it)idt+ f

(-1+2t-i)2dt+ [1[1-i(l-t)](-i)dt.
~ ~ ~ ~

Separating the right side of this equation into its real and imaginary parts gives

r z dz = 1

(6t -3) dt + i 1


(-4) dt = -4i.

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Note that the value of the contour integral a.Jong C 1 isn't t he same as the value
of the contour integral along C2, although both integrals have t he same initial
and terminal points.

Contour integrals have properties that a.re similar to those of integrals of a
complex function of a real variable, which you studied in Section 6.1. If C is
given by Equation (6-10), then the integral for the opposite contour - C is


J(z)dz = 1-a f (z(- r )) [- z' (- r )Jdr.

  • e -b

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