w= S(z)
ljl(x, y) = K
(a) Fluid flow in a plane. (b) Fluid flow in the w plane.
Figure 11. 48 The image of a fluid flow under conformal mapping.
are the new velocity potential and stream function, respectively, for the flow in
D. A streamline or natural boundary curve
1/J(x, y) = K
in the z plane is mapped onto a streamline or natural boundary curve
w(u, v) = K
in thew plane by the transformation w = S (z). One method for finding a flow
inside a domain D in the z plane is to conformally map D onto a domain G in
the w plane in which the flow is known.
For an ideal fluid with uniform density p, the fluid pressure P (x, y) and
speed IV (x, y)I are related by the following special case of Bernoulli's equation:
P(:, y) + ~ IV (x, y)I = constant.
Note that the pressure is greatest when the speed is least.
- EXAMPLE 11.22 The complex potential F (z) = (a+ ib) z bas the velocity
potential and stream function of
<fo(x, y) = ax - by and 1/J (x, y) =bx+ ay,
respectively, and gives rise to the fluid flow defined in the entire complex plane
that has a uniform parallel velocity of
V (x, y) = F'(z) =a-ib.
The streamlines are parallel lines given by the eq uation bx+ ay = constant and
are inclined at an angle a = -Arctan~, as indicated in Figure 11 .49.