the convergence of infinitesimal characters explained in the preceding paragraph,
we deduce first that there are only finitely many different 6n, and second that the
sequence vn is bounded in u;',,. After passing to a subsequence, we may therefore
assume that 6n = 6, and that Vn converges to v 0 E u;',,. Because each principal se-
ries representation has only finitely many composition factors, we may also assume
that Vn ::j:. vo for every n.
To go further, we need to understand the reducibility of the induced represen-
tations J(v) =Ind~,,, (6 0 v). Write ~m = ~(g, Um) C u;',, for the set of restricted
roots of Um in g. For each a E ~m, let Mo; be the reductive subgroup of G gen-
erated by MmAm and the root subgroups for multiples of a. We are interested
in the reducibility of the principal series representation Io:(v) = Ind~;nM" (6 0 v).
Because the kernel of a in Am is central in Mo:, this reducibility occurs along a
discrete set of hyperplanes parallel to the kernel of av in u;',,. Define the reducibility
set for a by
R(a) = {z E qio:(v) is reducible whenever (av,v) = z}.
(Of course this set depends on 6.) It is a discrete set of rational numbers. We will
also need
R(a)+ = R(a) u {O}.
It follows from the Langlands classification that if there is no root a E ~m with the
property that (av,v) E R(a)+, then J(v) is irreducible (see [SV], Theorem 3.14).
We need a variant of this result.
Lemma 4. In the setting above, there is for every a E ~m a discrete set
R(a)++ of rational numbers {depending on 6), with the following property. Let
P = MN be a parabolic subgroup of G with MmAm C M. Suppose that every
root a E ~m with the property that (av, v) E R(a)++ is actually a root of Um
in m. Then induction from P to G carries every irreducible composition factor of
Ind~,,,nM(6 0 v) to an irreducible representation of G.
This is a straightforward consequence of the arguments in [SV], particularly
Theorem 1.1 and section 3. Probably it suffices to take R(a)++ = R(a)+, but this
would require a more careful analysis of intertwining operators. In any case we
omit the argument.
After passing to a subsequence, we may assume that each restricted root a
satisfies exactly one of the following conditions: either
(av, vn) €f_ R(a)++
for all n, or
(av, vn) = ro: E R(a)++
for all n. We call such roots good and bad respectively. Let ~m(m) be the set of all
restricted roots in the rational span of the bad roots. These roots are the restricted
root system of a Levi subgroup M of G containing MmAm; choose a corresponding
parabolic subgroup P =MN of G. By the construction of M, we have
({Jv, Vn) = ({Jv, v) = r13
for every root {3 of Um in m. It follows that vn - v extends from Am uniquely to a
one-dimensional character Xn of M trivial on Mm. Since {vn} converges to v, the
characters Xn converge to the trivial character of M.