the sum of the invariants of H over the places in S is also zero. Denote by D' the
multiplicative group of H' modulo its center. We proceed to compare the infinite-
dimensional irreducible automorphic representations of D(AK) to those of D' (AK)
using Selberg trace formula, which is known and simple since both D(K)\D(AK)
and D'(K)\D'(AK) are compact. The two groups D(AK) and D'(AK) differ lo-
cally only at two places w = oo, oo' such that D(Kw) is the multiplicative group
of a division algebra mod center while D'(Kw) is isomorphic to PGLn(Kw)· At
such a place w, the local Jacquet-Langlands correspondence, proved by Badulescu
in [1] for local fields of positive characteristic, asserts the existence of a unique map
JL from the set of equivalence classes of admissible irreducible representations of
D(Kw) to the equivalence classes of essentially square integrable admissible irre-
ducible representations of D' (Kw) such that if 7r~ = J L(7rw), then the character of
7r w is equal to ( -1 r-^1 times the character of 7r~ at the elements which have the
same separable characteristic polynomials. Here Kw denotes the completion of K
at the place w.
By carefully comparing the geometric and the spectral sides of the two trace
formulas, one concludes that
Theorem 2.11. [Li [23]] Given an infinite-dimensional admissible irreducible au-
tomorphic representation 7r = ©~1rw of D(AK ), there exists an infinite-dimensional
admissible irreducible automorphic representation 7r^1 = ©~ 7r~ of D' (AK) such that
at places w = oo, oo', 7r~ = JL(7rw) and at places w-=/=-oo,oo', the representations
1l"w and 7r~ are isomorphic.
Now let the representation 7r of Theorem 2.11 correspond to an automorphic
form in A(D, JC). Then the component 7r 00 is the trivial representation of D 00 (K 00 ).
Its image under the map JL is a Steinberg representation of D'oo(K 00 ). By Theorem
(14.12) of the paper [18] by Laumon-Rapoport-Stuhler, the Ramanujan conjecture
holds at the places where 7r^1 is unramified. As both 7r v and 7r~ are unramified and
isomorphic, we conclude that XK. is Ramanujan.
This completes the proof of the following theorem, which is the goal of this
Theorem 2.12. [Li [23]] For n 2 3 and a prime power q, there exists an infinite
family of finite (q + 1)-regular Ramanujan n-hypergraphs.
2.4. Open questions
We conclude our lectures with a few open questions.
(1) The known explicit constructions of infinite family of k-reqular Ramanujan
graphs, as discussed in the previous lecture, are for k = q + 1 with q a prime power.
For remaining values of k, it is unknown if such an infinite family exists, and, if it
does, how to construct it explicitly.
(2) Describe the universal cover for k-regular n-hypergraphs for k -=/=- q + l.
Similar questions for Ramanujan hypergraphs for k -=/=-q + l.