Integrating Nos ́e–Hoover chains 197
no longer exist in the system, a fact which leads to a simplification of the proof that
the canonical distribution is generated. In fact, it is possible to take this idea one step
further and couple a Nos ́e–Hoover chain toeach Cartesian degree of freedomin the
system, for a total ofdNheat baths. Such a scheme is known colloquially as “massive”
thermostatting and was shown by Tobiaset al.(1993) to lead to very rapid thermal-
ization of a protein in aqueous solution. Such multiple thermostattingconstructs are
not easily achieved within the Hamiltonian framework of the Nos ́e andNos ́e-Poincar ́e
4.11 Integrating the Nos ́e–Hoover chain equations
Numerical integrators for non-Hamiltonian systems such as the Nos ́e–Hoover chain
equations can be derived using the Liouville operator formalism developed in Sec-
tion 3.10 (Martynaet al., 1996). However, certain subtleties arise due to the generalized
Liouville theorem in eqn. (4.9.8) and, therefore, the subject meritssome discussion. Re-
call that for a Hamiltonian system, any numerical integration algorithm must preserve
the symplectic property, in which case, it will also conserve the phase space volume.
For non-Hamiltonian systems, there is no clear analog of the symplectic property.
Nevertheless, the existence of a generalized Liouville theorem, eqn. (4.9.8), provides
us with a minimal requirement that numerical solvers for non-Hamiltonian systems
should satisfy, specifically, the preservation of the measure
g(x)dx. Integrators that
fail to obey the generalized Liouville theorem cannot be guaranteedto generate correct
distributions. Therefore, in devising numerical solvers for non-Hamiltonian systems,
care must be taken to ensure that they are measure-preserving(Ezra, 2007).
Keeping in mind the generalized Liouville theorem, let us now develop an integrator
for the Nos ́e–Hoover chain equations. Despite the fact that eqns. (4.10.1) are non-
Hamiltonian, they can be expressed as an operator equation just as in the Hamiltonian
case. Indeed, a general non-Hamiltonian system
̇x =ξ(x) (4.11.1)
can always be expressed as
̇x =iLx, (4.11.2)
iL=ξ(x)·∇x. (4.11.3)
Note that we are considering systems with no explicit time dependence, although the
Liouville operator formalism can be extended to systems with explicit time depen-
dence (Suzuki, 1992). The Liouville operator corresponding to eqns. (4.10.1) can be
written as
iL=iLNHC+iL 1 +iL 2 , (4.11.4)
iL 1 =