1549380323-Statistical Mechanics Theory and Molecular Simulation

(jair2018) #1
Problems 393

a. If the Hamiltonianˆh(ˆx,ˆp) is of the form

ˆh(ˆx,pˆ) = pˆ

2 m


show that the eigenvalue problem forHˆ can be expressed asN single-
particleeigenvalue problems of the form

2 m





ψki(x) =εkiψki(x),

such that theN-particle eigenvaluesEk 1 ,...,kN, which are characterized
byNquantum numbers, are given by

Ek 1 ,...,kN=




b. Show that if the particles could be treated as distinguishable, then the
eigenfunctions ofHˆcould be expressed as a product

Φk 1 ,...kN(x 1 ,...,xN) =




c. Show that if the particles are identical fermions, then the application of
eqn. (9.4.16) leads to a set of eigenfunctions Ψk 1 ,...,kN(x 1 ,...,xN) that is
expressible as the determinant of a matrix whose rows are of the form

ψk 1 (xP(1)) ψk 2 (xP(2))···ψkN(xP(N)).

Recall thatP(1),...,P(N) is one of theN! permutations of the indices
1,...,N. Give the general form of this determinant. (This determinant is
called aSlater determinantafter its inventor John C. Slater (1900–1976).)

Hint: Try it first forN= 2 andN= 3.

d. Show that if the particles are bosons rather than fermions, then the eigen-
functions are exactly the same as those of part c except for a replacement
of the determinant by a permanent.

Hint: The permanent of a matrix can be generated from the determinant
by replacing all of the minus signs with plus signs. Thus, for a 2×2 matrix



a b
c d



perm(M) =ad+bc.
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