494 The Feynman path integral
whereεn(X) are the eigenvalues that result from the solution of the
Schr ̈odinger equation
2 m
ψn(x;X) =εn(X)ψn(x;X)
for the light degree of freedom at a fixed valueXof the heavy degree
of freedom. This approximation is known as thepath-integral Born–
Oppenheimer approximation(Cao and Berne, 1993). The eigenvalues
εn(X) are the Born-Oppenheimer surfaces.
b. Under what conditions can the sum overnin the above expression be
approximated by a single term involving only the ground-state surface
ε 0 (X)?
12.9. a. Consider making the following transformation in eqn. (12.3.14):
(x+x′)/ 2 , s=x−x′.
Show that the ensemble average ofAˆ(ˆp) can be written as
dpdr a(p)ρW(r,p),
whereρW(r,p), known as theWigner distribution functionafter Eugene
P. Wigner (1902–1995), is defined by
ρW(r,p) =
dseips/ ̄h
b. CalculateρW(r,p) for a harmonic oscillator of massmand frequency
ωand show that in the classical limit,ρW(r,p) becomes the classical
canonical distribution.
12.10. Show that the transition path ensemble of Section 7.7 can be formulated as
a kind of path integral when the limitn→∞and ∆t→0 is taken. Give an
explicit functional integral expression for partition function in eqn. (7.7.5).
12.11. Write down a complete set of path-integral molecular dynamics equations of
motion (using Nos ́e-Hoover chain thermostats of lengthM) for the numerical
evaluation of an imaginary-time path integral for a system ofN quantum
particles inddimensions obeying Boltzmann statistics at temperatureT.