1549380323-Statistical Mechanics Theory and Molecular Simulation

(jair2018) #1

528 Classical time-dependent statistical mechanics

b. Comparing the two diffusion constants, what two physical situations do
these two models describe?

13.2. The classical isotropic isothermal-isobaric (NPT) ensemble is particularly use-
ful for determining thebulk viscosityof a substance via Green–Kubo theory.
a. Show that the linear response formula does not change if the initial dis-
tribution is chosen to bef 0 (H(r,p),V), i.e., the isothermal-isobaric dis-
tribution function exp(−β(H(r,p) +PV))/∆(N,P,T).

b. Next, consider coupling a system to an external compression field de-
scribed by the equations of motion

r ̇i,α=




p ̇i,α=Fi,α−



whereαandβindex the three spatial directionsx,y, andz. Show that
the equations of motion satisfy the incompressibility condition.

c. Consider the specific choice





whereγis the compression rate. The coefficient of bulk viscosityηVis
given by a generalization of Newton’s law of viscosity:




where〈···〉on the right represents an average over the equilibrium isotropic
NPT distribution function and〈···〉ηVon the left is the full nonequilib-
rium average. Using the linear response formula to evaluate〈P(t)V(t)〉,
derive the appropriate Green–Kubo expression forηV.

∗13.3. Show that the Einstein relation in eqn. (13.3.34) can be derived from the
Green–Kubo relation in eqn. (13.3.33).

13.4. Verify that eqn. (13.5.23) is conserved by eqn. (13.5.22) in theabsence of
time-dependent boundary conditions.

∗13.5. In Problem 5.9, we considered a particle moving through a periodic potential.
Now suppose we add a linear potential−fqto this system, so that the particle
is driven by a constant forcef. The total potential that results is known as
Galton’s staircase
U(q) =V 0 cos(kq)−fq.
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