
(jair2018) #1
Preface xix

from several outstanding mathematics teachers and mentors who have had last-
ing impact on my life, especially E. Mae Shenk of Hempfield High School, Bruce
M. Tyndall of Elizabethtown College, and John J. Masterson of Michigan State
I am deeply indebted to the many anonymous reviewers who provided
valuable feedback while this book was under development. Their thoughtful
and candid criticism was most helpful in removing some serious flaws and in
strengthening the book. I would also like to thank Amy Rose, Production Direc-
tor at Jones and Bartlett Publishers, and her outstanding staff for the superb
work they have done with my manuscript. It has been a pleasure to work with
A special thanks to Gloria, without whose patient understanding and emo-
tional support it would not have been possible to complete this project.


Throughout the book, references to Exercises are given in modified decimal
form. For example,

  • "Exercise 5.4.11" refers to Exercise 11 in Section 5.4.

  • "Exercise 1.6-A.5" refers to Exercise 5 in Exercise Set 1.6-A.

  • "Exercise B.2.9" refers to Exercise 9 in Section 2 of Appendix B.

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