
(jair2018) #1

27 4 Chapter 5 • Continuous Functions


  1. Prove Lemma 5.5.1.

  2. Prove that a function f is monotone (or strictly) increasing on an interval
    I if and only if -f is monotone (or strictly) decreasing on I.

  3. Suppose f and g are monotone increasing on an interval I.

(a) Prove that f + g is monotone increasing on I. [Strictly increasing if
f and g are strictly increasing.]
(b) Show by example that f g need not be monotone on I.
(c) Prove that if f , g are nonnegative on I , then Jg is monotone increas-
ing on I. [Strictly increasing if f , g are positive and strictly increasing
on J.]

  1. Suppose f is continuous on an interval I and x 0 is an interior point of I
    such that f(xo) = max{f(x) : x E I}. Prove that fir cannot be 1-1. [Of
    course, the same conclusion holds if f(xo) = min{f(x) : x E J}.]

  2. Find an example of a function f : [O, l] _, [O, l] that is 1-1 and onto but
    not monotone on any (a, b) ~ I where a < b.

  3. Complete Case 3 of the proof of Theorem 5.5.2.

  4. Prove Theorem 5.5.2 in the case where f is monotone decreasing on I.

  5. Prove Corollary 5.5.3 for the case in which f is strictly decreasing.

  6. Complete the proof of Claim #1 in the proof of Theorem 5.5.4 by con-
    sidering the case in which f(b) < min{f(a), f(c)}.

  7. Cantor Function: Find the numbers x 1 , x 2 , · · · , x 14 that are the end-
    points of the open intervals removed from C 3 to create C 4. Calculate
    'Pc(xi ) for i = 1, 2, · · · 14 and verify that 'Pc takes on the same value at
    both endpoints of each of these removed intervals.

  8. Prove that the Cantor function cp : [O, l] , [O, l] can b e extended to a
    function cp : IR
    , IR that is continuous and monotone increasing, but not
    strictly increasing on any nonempty open interval.

12. (Project) Positive Integral Power Functions: For a given n E N,
the function f(x) = xn is continuous on IR [see Theorem 5.1.7]. Prove

(a) f is positive and strictly increasing on (0, +oo). [See Exercise 1.3.19.]

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