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382 Chapter 7 • The Riemann Integral

Proof. (a) By definition, l: f =sup mu, P) : Pis a partition of [a, b]}.
Let c: > 0. By the c:-criterion for supremum (Theorem 1.6.6) 3 partition P
of [a, b] such that

Q_(f, P) > l:f -~-

By Theorem 7.3.11, 3 regular partition Qm of [a, b] such that
Q_(f, Qm) > Q_(f, P) - 2

> l:f -c:.
Therefore, sup {Q_(f, Qm) : Qm is a regular partition of [a, b]} :::0: l: f. (9)
On the other hand,

sup {Q_(f, Qm) : Qm is a regular partition of [a, b]}
:::; sup {Q_(f, P) : P is a partition of [a, b]} = l: f. (10)

Putting (9) and (10) together, we have the desired result.

(b) Exercise 16. •

With the help of these results, we can prove modified forms of Riemann's
condition in terms of regular partitions. In what follows, the notation Qn will
represent the regular n-partition of [a, b].

Theorem 7.3.13 (Regular Partition Riemann's Criterion for Integra-
bility) A bounded function f :[a, b] --->JR is integrable on [a, b] if and only if

I \ic: > 0, 3n EN 3 S(f, Qn) - Q_(f, Qn) < c:.1

Proof. Exercise 17. •

Theorem 7.3.14 (Regular Partition Equivalent Form of Riemann's
Criterion) A bounded function f :[a, b] ---> JR is integrable on [a, b] {::} there is
one and only one number I such that \i regular partitions Q of [a, b], Q_(f, Q) :::;

I:::; S(f, Q). (1n this case, I= l: J.)

Proof. Exercise 18. •

Similarly, we can restate the Riemann/Darboux criterion for integrability
in terms of regular partitions. When we do so it becomes clear that, when ex-
pressed in terms of regular partitions, the attention is focused on the sequences
{Q_(f, Qn)} and {S(f, Qn) }.

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