
(jair2018) #1
472 E. Groups and Graphs

Proof. Form, n with m ~ n, we define h(m, n) = d(y, xm) + d(xm, xn) -
d(y, xn)· Note that h decreases (resp. increases) as m (resp. n) increases and
that h(m, k) = h(m, n) + h(n, k) for every m ~ n ~ k. Since 0 ~ h(m, n) ~
2d(y, xo), h(m) = limk h(m, k) exists. We note that h(m) = h(m, n) + h(n)
for every m ~ n. It follows that for mo such that h(mo) =inf h(m), we have
h(mo, n) = 0 for every n ~ mo. Therefore, letting /3 be the concatenation
of a geodesic path connecting y to Xmo and the subpath Xm 0 Xmo+l · · • of a,
we are done. D
Definition E.3. A (simple and connected) graph Xis called a tree if there
is no nontrivial loop, i.e., there is no path xox1 · · · Xn such that Xn = xo,
n > 2, and x1, ... , Xn are all distinct.
Example E.4. Let r be a group and S be a set of generators such that
e tJ_ S. Then, the Cayley graph X = X(r, S) of r with respect to S is
the graph whose vertex set is r and whose edge set is E = {(s, t) : s-^1 t E
SU s-^1 }. For example, if r = JF 2 is freely generated by S = {a, b }, then the
corresponding Cayley graph is a tree (of degree four).


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Figure 1. The Cayley graph of 1F2

The group of automorphisms on X (i.e., isometric bijections on V) is
denoted by Aut(X). An action of a group r on the graph X is a group
homomorphism from r into Aut(X). The action is said to be (metrically)
proper if for every F CV of finite diameter, the set f{s Er: sF n F # 0}[
is finite. The stabilizer of a vertex x E V is the subgroup

rx = {s EI': s.x = x} CI'.

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