
(jair2018) #1

270 Ordinary Differential Equations

by an impulse force. Taking the Laplace transform of the given differential
equation and imposing the initial conditions, we find successively

.C[y" + 2y' + 5y] = £[38(x - 1)]

.C[y"(x)J + 2.C[y'(x)] + 5.C[y(x)J = 3e-s

-y' (0) - sy(O) + s^2 .C[y(x )] - 2y(O) + 2s.C[y(x )] + 5.C[y(x )] = 3e-s

(s^2 + 2s + 5).C[y(x)] = 3e-s.

Solving for .C [y( x) J and using information found in Table 5 .1, we see

.C[y(x)] = s2 + 2s + 5

3e-s 2 3 _ 8 £[ -x. 2 J

2 (s+l)2+22 = 2e e sm x.

Applying Theorem 5.3, yields

.C[y(x)] = ~e-s .C[e- x sin2x] = .C[~u(x - l)e-(x-1) sin2(x - 1)].

2 2

Hence, the solution of t he initial value problem is

y(x) = ~u(x - l)e-(x-l) sin 2(x - 1) =




e-(x-l) sin2(x -1), l<x

A graph of t his solution is displayed in Figure 5.8. For 0 ::; x < 1, the initial

1 y




4 5


  • 1

Figure 5.8 Graph of t he Solution y(x) = -u(x - l )e-Cx-l) sin2(x - 1)


value problem is y" + 2y' + 5y = O; y(O) = 0, y' (0) = 0 and it obviously

has the unique solution y(x) = 0, which can easily be seen in Figure 5.8. The

portion of the graph to the right of x = 1 is due to the impulse force which was

applied to the system at the instant x = 1. The "solution" y(x) is continuous

for x 2". 0 but the first derivative has a jump discontinuity at x = 1 and the

second derivative has an infinite discontinuity there.

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