318 Ordinary Differential Equations
find the general solut ion of linear systems of first-order equations with con-
stant coefficients. (System (8) is an example of a system of this type.) And
in chapter 9, we will solve several appli cations which involve linear systems
with constant coefficients.
DEFINITION An Initial Value Problem for a System of
Differential Equations
An initial value problem for a system of first-order differential equa-
tions consists of solving a system of equations of the form (1) subject to a
set of constraints, called initial conditions (IC), of the form y1(c) =di,
Y2(c) = d2, ... , Yn(c) = dn.
For example, the problem of finding a solution to the system
Y~ = Y2 = Ji (x, Y1, Y2)
Y~ = -Y1 = f2(x, Y1, Y2)
subject to the initial conditions
(9) Y1(0) = 2, Y2(0) = 3
is an initial value problem. The so lution of the initial value problem (8)-(9)
on the interval (-oo, oo) is
{Y1(x) = 3sinx + 2cosx, y2(x) = 3cosx - 2sinx}.
Verify this fact by showing that y 1 ( x) and Y2 ( x) satisfy the system ( 8) on the
interval ( -oo, oo) and the initial conditions (9).
Notice that in an initial value problem all n conditions to be satisfied are
specified at a single value of the independent variable-the value we have
called c. The problem of solving the system (8) subject to the constraints
(10) Y1(0) = 2, Y2(7r) = 3
is an example of a boundary value problem. Observe that the constraints for
Y1 and Y2 are specified at two different values of the independent variable-
namely, 0 and 7r. Verify that the set
{yi ( x ) = -3 sin x + 2 cos x, Y2 ( x ) = -3 cos x - 2 sin x}
is a solution of the boundary value problem (8)-(10) on the interval (-oo, oo).