
(jair2018) #1
Linear Systems of First-Order Differential Equations 369

are linearly independent solutions of the homogeneous linear system


on the interval (0, oo) and write the general solution of (8) on (0, oo).


Notice that A(x) is not defined for x = 0, but A(x) is defined and con-

tinuous on (-oo, 0) and (0, oo ). So by the existence theorem, there are two
linearly independent solutions of (8) on (0, oo).

Differentiating y 1 , we find

y~(x) = (~).

Multiplying A(x) by Y1(x), we get for x-/= 0

A (x)y,(x) ~ (: :!) C~) (

~(1)^2 + ~(2x) -1 )

2(1) + 0(2x)

Since y~ = A(x)y 1 for x-/= 0, the vector y 1 is a solution of (8) on (0, oo).

Differentiating Y2 ( x), we find

Computing A (x)y2(x), we obtain for x-/= 0

A(x)y2(x) = x x2 - x x2

~ -l)(x ) (~(x)+-l(x2))

2 0 x

  • 2(x) + O(x^2 )

Since y~ = A(x)y 2 for x-/= 0, the vector Y2 is a solution of (8) on (0, oo).
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