404 Ordinary Differential Equations
Since the amount of pollutant in each lake, qi (t), equals the concentration
of pollutant, ci(t), times the volume, 1/i, we h ave for each lake qi(t) = Ci(t)V'.i.
Using Figure 9.11 to write a n equation for the rate of ch ange of the amount
of pollutant in each la ke, we find
for Lake Superior
dqs = d(cs Vs) = RsCs - rsCs
dt dt
for Lake Michigan
dqm d( cm Vm)
dt dt
for Lake Huron
dqh d(chVh)
- = = RhCh + rsCs + rmem - rheh
dt dt
for Lake Erie
dqe d(ee Ve )
dt = dt = ReCe + rheh - reee
for Lake Ontario
dqa d(eaVa)
dt = dt = RaCa + reee - raCa.
Dividing each of these equations by the volume of the corresponding lake, we
obtain the following system of differential equations for the concentration of
pollution in the Great La kes
des R sCs - rses
dt Vs
- dem - RmCm-rmem
dt Vm
deh RhCh + rses + r mem - rheh
dt vh
dee R eCe + rheh - reee
- dt Ve
dea RaCa + reee - raea
dt Va
Exercise 15. a. Write system (19) using matrix-vector notation. (The answer
will have the form c' =Ac+ b .)
b. Assume all pollution of the Great Lakes ceases-that is, assume Cs =
Cm = Ch = C e = Ca = 0. Use EIGEN or your computer software to find the
general solution of c' = Ac where the constant entries of A a re calculated
using the informatio n given above for the Great Lakes.