
(jair2018) #1
412 Ordinary Differential Equations

so y( t) is decreasing in this region and the particle tends to move downward
toward the line L 2. That is, the second nation in the arms race tries, at all
times, to adjust its expenditures by moving them vertically toward the line
We wish to examine the limiting b ehavior of the expenditures for arms in
Richardson's model. We divide the limiting behavior into three categories and
classify the types of arms races as follows:
l. If x --) 0 and y --) 0 as t --) oo, then we say the arms race results in

mutual disarmament.

  1. If x--) x and y --) y as t--) oo, then we say the arms race is a stable
    arms race.

  2. If x --) oo and y --) oo as t --) oo, then we say there is an unstable

arms race or a runaway arms race.

We will now consider two cases under the assumptions that A, B, C, and
D are nonzero. Solving the equations of Li and L 2 for y (see equations (3)),
we find
Cx r
y=- --

Bx s



(for Li)

Thus, the slope of line Li is C /A and the slope of L 2 is B / D.

Case 1. Supposer = s = 0 and Li and L 2 are not parallel. Since r = s = 0 ,

the equilibrium point is the origin, (0, 0) - see equations (4). Since Li and L 2
are not parallel, they intersect at the origin and either (a.) the slope of Li is
larger than the slope of L 2 or (b.) the slope of L 2 is larger than the slope of Li.
Representative graphs for case l a. and case lb. are shown in Figures 10.2a.
and 10.2b., respectively. We numbered the regions in the first quadrant, I, II,
and III, as shown in the figures.

y y



a. b.

Figure 10 .2 Graphs of Lines Li and L 2 for r = s = 0 and

a. C/A > B/D and b. C/A < B/D

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