
(jair2018) #1
Applications of Systems of Equations 451

for a conventional force, x, versus a guerrilla force, y, on the interval [O, 5] for

the initial conditions (i) x(O) = 0, y(O) = 0 and (ii) x(O) = 4, y(O) = l. In

each case, decide which force wins the battle, when victory occurs, and the
number of combatants in the winning force at the time of victory.

  1. The Lanchesterian model for two guerrilla forces engaged in battle is



dt = f(t) - Ax - Bxy

dy =g(t)-Cy-Dxy

where A, B, C, and Dare nonnegative constants and where f(t) and g(t) are

the reinforcement rates, Ax and Cy are the operational loss rates, and Bxy
and Dxy are the combat loss rates.

a. Write the system of equations for two guerrilla forces engaged in combat

when there are no reinforcements and no operational losses.

b. Divide one equation of your system by the other equation to obtain a

differential equation in x and y.

c. Find the general solution to the differential equation of part b. That is,

find the trajectories of the system.

d. Sketch a phase-plane portrait for the system in the first quadrant.

e. For each force determine conditions which ensure victory and determine the

number of combatants in the winning force at the end of the battle. Specify
conditions under which there is a tie.

  1. Use SOLVESYS or your computer software to solve the Lanchester combat


dt = 2 - .5x - .5xy


dt = 1 - .2y - .25xy

for two guerrilla forces engaged in battle on the interval [O, 5] for the initial

(i) x(O) = 0, y(O) = 0 (ii) x(O) = 0, y(O) = 6

(iii) x(O) = 5, y(O) = 0 and (iv) x(O) = 5, y(O) = 6

In each case, display a phase-plane graph of y versus x. Do you think either
force will ever win?

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