
(jair2018) #1
Applications of Systems of Equations 465

Leslie-Gower Prey-Predator Model
In 1960 , P. H. Leslie and J. C. Gower studied the following prey-predator



  • =ax -cxy

dy = dy-ey2
dt x
where x is the prey population, y is the predator population and a, c, d, and
e are positive constants. The first equation of this system is the same as in
the Volterra-Lotka prey-predator model. Thus, in the absence of predators
the prey population is assumed to grow according to the Malthusian law.


  1. Use computer software to solve the Leslie-Gower prey-predator model,
    system (1), with a = 1, c = .1, d = 1, and e = 2.5 on the interval [O, 6]

for initial populations of x(O) = 80 and y(O) = 20. Display a graph of x(t)

and y(t) and display a phase-plane graph of y versus x. Estimate limt, 00 x(t)
and limt
,oo y(t).

A Different Uptake Function
Thus far, we have assumed that the rate of change of the prey population,
x, due to predation by the predator population, y , is proportional to the
product xy. However, since the predator population's collective appetite and
food requirement can be satisfied when there is an abundance of prey, when x
is large relative toy, the rate of change in the prey population should approach

a function which is proportional to y alone. It has been suggested that the

uptake function xy of the Volterra-Lotka prey-predator model be replaced
by the uptake function xy/(1 + kx). Thus, the new prey-predator model to
be considered is




1 + kx

dy dxy
dt = -cy + 1 + kx

where a, b, c, d, and k are positive constants.


  1. a. Find the critical point of the system

x _ 8xy

dt 1+2x

dy _


dt - - Y + 1+2x

in the first quadrant.

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