
(jair2018) #1
Applications of Systems of Equations

  1. a. Find the critical points of the competitive hunters model


dx 2

- = 4x - .5xy - .2x


dy y2
dt = 4y -. 25xy -


b. Use SOLVESYS or your computer software to solve system (4) on the
interva l [O, 5] for the initial conditions:

(i) x(O) = .1, y(O) = 1 (ii) x(O) = 1, y(O) = .1 (iii) x(O) = 20 , y(O) = 5

(iv) x(O) = 20, y(O) = 10

In each case, estimate limt-->exi x(t) and limt-+oo y(t) and determine which
species b ecomes extinct.

  1. a. Find the critical points of the competitive hunters model


dx 2
dt = 2x - 2xy - 2x

dy 2

dt = 4y - 2xy - 6y.

b. Use computer software to solve system (5) on the interval [O, 5] for the
initia l conditions:

(i) x(O) = .1, y(O) = .1 (ii) x(O) = .1, y(O) = 1 (iii) x(O) = 1, y(O) = .1

(iv) x(O) = 1, y(O) = 1

In each case, estimate limt-+oo x(t) and limt-+oo y(t). Does either species be-
come extinct?

  1. This exercise is designed to illustrate the radica l changes which constant-
    effort harvesting of one of the competing species can bring about. One of
    the species, for example, might have a fur which humans find very desirable.
    Consider the following competitive hunters model in which the x sp ecies is
    harvested with positive harvesting constant H.


dx 2

  • = lOx - xy - x - H x

dy 2
dt = 8y - xy - 2y.
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