
(jair2018) #1
486 Ordinary Differential Equations

and f, is the length of the pendulum. The x-axis and y-axis form a rectangular
coordinate system on the floor beneath the suspended pendulum. The origin
of the coordinate system lies directly below the equilibrium position of the

Spring Pendulum A spring pendulum consists of a spring of natural

length Lo suspended by one end from a fixed support S. A bob of m ass mis

attached to the other end of the spring. We assume the spring is stiff enough
to remain straight and free to move in a vertical plane. Let L(t) be the length
of the spring at time t and let B(t) be the angle (in radians) the spring makes
with the downward vertical from S. See Figure 10.25.

s I I I I I I I

Vertical 1

bob of
mass m

Figure 10. 25 Spring Pendulum

If the spring obeys Hooke's law with spring constant k, then applying New-
ton's second law of motion along and p erpendicular to the spring it can be

shown that L and e simultaneously satisfy the two second-order differential


L"-L(B')^2 -gcose+ k(L - Lo) =0
(12) m
Le"+ 2L'e' + gsine = o.

Letting Y1 = L(t), Y2 = L' (t), y3 = e(t), and y4 = e' (t), we can rewrite
system (12) as the following system of four first-order differential equations


, 2 k(y1 - Lo)
Y2 = Y1Y4 + gcosy 3 - ----

-2y2y4 - g sin y3


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