
(jair2018) #1
Applications of Systems of Equations 491


l. Numerically solve system (2) on the interval [O, 10] for (a) E = .5 and

(b) E = 2 for the initial conditions Y2 (0) = 0 and (i) y 1 (0) = .5 , (ii) y 1 (0) = 2,

and (iii) Y1 (0) = 3. In each case, display a phase-plane graph of y 2 versus

Yl· Notice in cases (a) and (b) there is a periodic solution to van der Pol's
equation. This periodic solution is called a limit cycle, since solutions which
begin inside the periodic solution "spiral outward" toward the periodic solu-
tion and solutions which begin outside the periodic solution "spiral inward"
toward the periodic solution.

10.10 Mixture Problems

We introduced and studied mixture problems in chapters 3 and 9. Recall
the following underlying assumptions for solving mixture problems:
The rate of change of the amount of substance in any container at time
t is equal to the sum over all inputs to the container of the concentration
of each input times the rate of input minus the concentration of the
substance in the particular container times the sum of the rates of flow
of outputs from the container.

EXAMPLE 13 A Three Pond Mixture Problem

Three small ponds containing 200 gallons of pure water are formed by a
spring rain. Water containing .73 lbs/gallon of salt enters pond A at the
rate of 100 gal/hr. Water evaporates from pond A at the rate of 30 gal/hr
and flows into pond B at 70 gal/hr. Water evaporates from pond B at
20 gal/hr and flows into pond C at 50 gal/hr. Water evaporates from pond
C at 25 gal/hr and flows out of the system at 25 gal/hr. Find the amount of
salt in each pond as a function of time. What is the limiting amount of salt
in each pond?


Let y 1 (t) be the amount of salt in pond A at time t. The concentration of

salt in the inflow to pond A is Ci = .73 lbs/gal and the inflow rate is ri =

100 gal/hr. Since the evaporation rate plus the outflow rate is also 100 gal/hr,
the volume of pond A remains constant. Hence, the concentration of salt in
the outflow from pond A to pond Bat any time is c 0 = y 1 (t)/200 (lbs/gal).
Applying our underlying principle to pond A, we find

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